Monday, April 15, 2013

Sifting, sifting, sifting...

Greetings to all who read, and my gratitude for your prayers and considerations.

This week is another week of the chaotic mess that is involved during the spring and summer before going to a college.  It is a time where registration happens, scholarships (can) happen, various other types of forms happen, and with all this?

A lot of sifting.

I have realized that the number of things one has to do in order to get this whole school thing figured out depends on how much you are willing to sift through.  The seemingly endless forms that pile up for school registration have to be sifted through for every little detail so that there are no surprises when you get to school.  The scholarships you are applying for have to be sifted through to verify the legitimacy of the so-called "offers" that are advertized.  Many of the scholarships out there are nothing more than endless pages of advertizements and "special offers" that really don't offer you more than a headache.  The rest of the scholarships are literally crap-shoots that are random at best and exclusive at worst.  I suppose that if I didn't at least try, then I deserve to not get anything anyway. 

I am hard at work trying every possible avenue to pay for school, knowing in faith that God will provide, whether at the beginning of school in donation and scholarship or at the end of school via a career which will pay it off.  No matter which scenario, or any in between, I know that God will provide it, or He will make it obvious that I should not go.

This, however, does not entail my laziness.  No, instead, I must work hard, knowing full well that my efforts may be in vain.  Along with working at my job (which, oddly enough, begins offering fewer hours right when I need more hours), I am seeking out other employment opportunities as well, with little to no success (to this point at least!). 

Registration is coming about, I am going to register a vehicle, for housing and classes, along with some forms that are asking medical information, emergency contacts, etc.  It's all quite tedious stuff.  But work away I must!  Please continue to pray for me in this process. 

I thank you all for your support of me, and I pray that I will best display the love that God has through this process, at school, and forever.

May God bless you and give you peace.


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